Ultimately the main thing that kept me from becoming a journalist, even lack of talent could have been overcome, was my intense dislike of being assigned a topic. I think that this blog illustrates the range of topics that I’m willing to cover whil also highlighting how totally unwilling I am to constrain myself to a single topic. Usually I won’t maintain one topic for even one post. At the speed that I can write 500 words should only take me about 20 minutes when I have any idea what the fuck I am doing but instead I spend hours upon hours not doing shit. What the hell was I doing instead of writing for the past two weeks when all I needed to put out was one double-spaced (what the fuck does double spaced have a hyphen there? I seem to be getting out of control with punctuation lately) page which I figured would be around 500 words? Watching crappy anime, failing at the touhou games repeatedly, making entries here in my blog that routinely exceeded 500 words, and corresponding with people in a verbose manner. I also may or may not have watched and read copious amount of “femdom” pornography from all around the world.

OK I must admit that at least the last one was a hell of a lot more interesting then the assignment I was given but theoretically there is nothing to stop one from working on a mundane writing assignment while watching pornography. It does distract one heavily but you can edit things for the final draft right? At least you can bang out a pre-draft. But I put it off for 2 weeks and now here we are 11 hours from the deadline, only perhaps 2 of which remain available to me to do the work in. No maybe I only have an hour from now actually there are all kinds of things that I…. uh… OK even for me this is pretty ridiculous. So I will indeed go ahead and bang it out with my ingenious poor writing skills and that will be that. After all, if you don’t give a shit about the assignment then you are more than welcome to fail it right? I was probably just overthinking the whole thing when in reality I didn’t give a shit. Hmm yeah I think it took me 10 minutes to write this but I was a bit distracted you know?