I’ll admit it, I fell behind on watching that show and reading the manga because it got a bit stale (it’s really a very pure serialization) after a while. Speaking of which, the song from the new season zoku sayonara zetsubou sensei “kuusou rumba” reminds me way too much of “Dynamite Mambo” (I’ll admit that I had to look up the title of that) from the Geobreeders OVA. I’m pretty sure that the lyrics are rather different though it’s been a while since I’ve heard the latter for all kinds of reasons (that ova is like 10 years old now, yeah 90s anime is downright ancient).

By the way this transpired earlier:

A:”Ali Project does the opening for Shigofumi? Anything that Ali Project is involved in I’m interested in”

B:”Even “Avenger”?”


Reuche:”Holy shit I can write dialogue.”

Speaking of shit I recently watched the second Zero no Tsukaima (Zero’s familiar) season/series “futatsuki no kishi” (knight of the two moons). I don’t know why I ever watched the first one but that’s the only reason I watched the second one. Which was simultaneously better and worse. The pace was terrible, most of the episodes were almost totally empty, but there were parts that were pretty funny and it looked better than some other stuff that’s lurking out there. And even though I wished that Kirche and Tabitha had bigger roles, perhaps the series was fresher for introducing new characters and expanding the roles of others like the princess and professor Coleman (was that his name?). I kind of thought that the intense action of the last episode came out of nowhere considering the limpness of the series on the whole. But it had a pretty intense battle scene, the kind of scene where you get curious about who did it, but don’t actually bother to find out. Of course the answer these days is more or less “a computer” anyway I suppose. That kind of puts a damper on that. Well nobody cares about Zero no Tsukaima except people who like it, and those people already know about it. So that said, Saitou reminds me a lot of Ataru (Moroboshi) from Urusei Yatsura. Especially the part where when he pisses Louise (taking Lum’s role in this) off by eying or pawing another girl she sets off an explosion (Lum used an electric shock). Actually that’s a common formula, Ryo and Kaori from City Hunter, Keitaro and Naru from Love Hina… now that I think about it that’s the proverbial “slapped with a stick” isn’t it…. I lived this long and never thought about that one. Maybe I’d better just go lay down now.